Hope this won't get me under Ban hammer, here it goes.
I feel like an outcast when I compare EU forums - US forums, and feel like I'm not even half important.
1) Blue posts only used for announcements
Since I'm a proud shaman of the Horde, I always check the shaman forums as well as others. I believe that the class is broken by design (which is another topic and won't be discussed here), so does my other shaman homies, most of us are trying to produce constructive ideas to fix the class. And I assure you, there are lots of brilliant ideas besides pure QQ-bull<snip>. It's very rare that I have seen a thread gets a blue for being constructive, I'm even sure most of them are not even read.
This is probably true for other forums as well, for all other classes also for general posts.
On US forums, even "SSUP GC WILZ U COMEZ ME TO GET PANCAKEZ" topic goes answered. Just include the word "GC" or "DEVS" and make a flame post to get some attention. You will get it.
2) No EU-Blizzcon
I'm sorry but why?
Blizzcon is the most awesome thing where people get together and enjoy for two days of epicness. Guilds come together, you can see devs and even contact them directly, you get the most exciting shows etc. Why can't we have a Blizzcon here as well?
Mike Morhaim claims Blizzard to be a global company, so why I feel like I'm ignored?
3) EU got more people, the best progression and is more crowded.
I can understand since Blizz HQ is in States, the community should be more close. But does that mean they should ignore (yes, ignoring is the right word I suppose) EU totally?
For most of the years of WoW'ing, EU always had the best progression, best arena teams, imba players floating around. Also they have always been the most crowded community ever, meaning Blizzard earns most of the money from EU.
Are US players paying more than I do? If so, that can't be the reason why, can it?
Long story short;
being an EU customer/player for years, why am I feeling like a second class, ignored, outcasted?
Please don't sell me the "oooh we are reading everything you got!", EU-US forums are not balanced, nerf US, buff EU.
Show us some care, bring devs here to our constructive posts, at least it helps the global community better than "GC LOOK HERE I HATE YOU" topics.
Finally, enjoy (and keep this thread clean so we may have a chance to communicate):
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNJL6nfu__Q">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNJL6nfu__Q</a>
Edit: Removed profanity ~ Takralus