Can anyone at Blizzard explain the elimination of positional requirements of several abilities?
Looking at the box art on the pre-order page, disappointed that it's an Orc. We're going to Draenor, the home world of the Draeni… they are to play a large role in the story, particularly Velen and Marrad and one of those should be on the box.
Or, perhaps make 2 boxes like you guys did with vanilla. I'm tired of orcs :) |
I noticed that on occasion, pulling up a zone map will show a "!" sometimes out in some area of the zone.
For example, as I was questing through Valley of the Four Winds, I noticed a "!" down in the lower left hand area, which I later learned was Nesingwary's Safari (woot)! But what made this particular "!" show up on the map? Why is it there when others are not? |