From Vanilla to now, there has been major class homoginizations, watering down the uniqueness and utilities of classes. And now the talent trees aren't being spared either. I understand Blizz wants to dumb the game down overall to fit in with the growing casual player population, with the talent tree dumb down being a side effect of that effort. Yet, tossing in trademark abilities for just any spec to use is too much. At the rate the game is moving, I would be as bold to predict that a major patch or next expansion after MoP would do away with specs all together.
It might all work out for the casual player and Blizz looking for the holy grail of "balance" and miss what really made WoW fun back then: The quirks, imbalances and niches that make a class and spec fun. There will never be a perfect balance with PvP/PvE, classes or much else. Please just accept that fact and let classes and specs just be. Thanks!