For some reason I have yet to fathom, I keep all of my old holiday gear - you know the pants, boots and shirt that you pay 200 of some holiday item for (be them hearts, tickets, or whatever), put them on, do a handstand in the opposing factions city while whistling the ironforge dwarf digging song backwards for 3 minutes to get an achievement for and never wear them again... Only I keep them in fear that next year I WILL have to wear them again for some new achievement that never comes and I don't want to work for them again.
and can someone please explain why I still keep my

I mean seriously... what's the chance that

And yes, there is all the "cute" stuff that I just can't seem to get rid of! Like my


and even holiday things like my

and archaeology items like my

*Maybe* Blizzard needs to do something about my bag space for some of the mentioned items, but it's clear that I need help as well. I'm an online pack rat! Which is amusing since I keep very little in real life.
I think it comes from the RPG days of old like zork where you never threw anything away because you could combine that leftover piece of magazine paper with the used bullet to make a match and light the oil rag so you would not be eaten by a grue.