I was looking for a place to farm embersilk cloth to level my tailoring on my newly 90 mage, and i was told that Uldum is the best place to farm it, at the "obelisk of the moon" area.
So i went there, and what i came across was a thousand of bots farming the neutral mobs and the aggressive ones for hours.
They are still there, 5 hours now, and its very annoying cause i want to farm some cloth and i have to face like 10-15 bots which is kinda impossible. No matter how many times i killed them, they still come back instantly and start farming again and again.
Blizzard seriously needs to do something about it.
P.S: i dare you, go in your realm in uldum at the obelisk of the moon and go under it, where those mobs are, and see how many bots you will find there, its beyond any imagination.