I would post this in customer service but I seen the thread in general so I will post it here. I have reported my exboyfriend on here countless times and I would get the same results...Him continuing to harass me. He would create countless alts, use his mains, and stalk me, or whisper me and say demeaning things to me that have actually made me sob a few times. I have gone to the point to where either A) I am about to quit the game so he would leave me alone or B) get a lawyer and see what can be done about it. Unfortunately I was told that maybe I shouldn't quit cause it will show that he won and he drove me away from my guild that I co-run with my best friend on here, also what I consider to be my family considering my IRL family is not the greatest of people.
I am not making this thread as to Q.Q but to rather see if others are having the same issue as I am and its not being taken care of. I would really love to see a blue post as well as to what can be done about this as well. I have taken all routes and I am not gonna leave Ysera.