I am guessing there are probably a few threads about this already but it seems a pressing enough issue, so:
A few months ago, a Blizzard poster explained, very specifically, that last season's arena gear would be the current season's honor gear. Based on that understanding, me and a friend farmed honor all weekend and enchanted/gemmed the gear we obtained. I must have farmed something like 20,000 honor over the past 3 days.
Today it appears that Blizzard has removed the gear we were purchasing yesterday and introduced a brand new, higher ilvl set with the same cost...thereby rendering all of our honor farming far less worthwhile (as we clearly would have waited until today to do it, if we had known what would happen)
Not only was this done without any warning or explanation - but it was done with a prior, false explanation baiting us into our error.
Look, I've been playing MMOs for a while and I've seen tons of developments which seem unfair, so I'm not really angry...but this is the type of thing that really just makes me not want to play this game anymore.
I'm hoping that because this is, after all, Blizzard, they'll do the proper, reasonable thing just about any logical human would agree with, and merge the two sets into one (preferably the one with higher ilvl) ...but I suppose we shall see.