Recently, I created this character to have some fun and enjoy the game, hoping that I'll find somebody to chill with and quest together. Unfortunately, at the moment, Dun Morough (probably spelled that incorrectly....) is empty, with the exception of one or two people questing roughly 7 miles away from you, if you're lucky. I go off to look for a higher level player in Ironforge, and not too many people were at the time, and those who were there were level 80 to 85. I asked over half the city if they could help me, and all I get as a response is : "Get lost!," "Get better gear and then I still won't help you," and this is my favorite (sarcasm intended) "Why don't you find another little newbie to help you. Oh, right, I forgot, NOBODY'S LEVEL 10 ANYMORE!" Very nice people right, because I think the nicest one's ignored me completely. So, what does this mean? People hate new players. If there is anyone decent enough out there, feel free to post and add other stories aboout what has happened to you when you were lower level. Cheers!