This is a question thats been on my mind for a few years now. Why is it that I see many players defending having to travel so much in WoW (note: this is not a rant, merely an observation). Now I understand exploring and that a whole different matter but going to the same place time and time again is what my question is about.
During the discussions in the forums regarding topics like [Have Group Will Travel] and FP's, I see a lot of players using the terms "back in Vanilla". So is nostalgia the reason why people enjoy it?
Also I see many complain about flying mounts. Why are they against them? I'd say 99% of the time players DON'T HAVE to fly yet they want the whole thing removed.
So my questions are:
1- Do WoW players enjoy travelling in game and if so why?
2- If there are ways to make travelling easier yet not mandatory, why are you against others being able to use it even though you yourself have the option whether to use it or not?
(again note: this is more to understand the reasons and is not intended for a rant)
I'm sure many would agree with me that MoP is one of the best expansions. There are plenty of things to do and you get a lot of enjoyment out of it but many of the great things that MoP had to offer were not in the adverts to pull players in.
So why is it that Blizzard is pushing all their advertisement mostly on one aspect of the game? Until I played MoP myself, I thought it would be all about Pandas too. I recently found out that the Anglers daily offers you mounts that can travel on water. Brilliant! I always asked for that. A raft for fishing? Man that's amazing. Tillers! Do I need to even say anything about Tillers? The Mantid? Who knew I would be doing quests for them, I just thought I would be doing all Panda dailies. The Yaungol? What Tauren tribe were they originally? Why aren't they joining like the Taunka? Great lore connected to WoW and not all just "fillers". Let's not forget recruiting Hozen/Jinyu to fight in a battle. Blizzard should have promoted a few of those things like they did pet battles and scenarios. Let people know it's not all about Pandas. |