After playing this game for the best part of four years, i have discovered that i am now fed up with the immature and disruptive gameplay some of us are forced to endure. When i play WoW i like to chill out, socialise, hit a few HC's with the new LFG tool and have a good time. It seems though, that isnt possible when you have muppets in your group.
Browsing through the forums i see people making suggestions for the usual nonsense such as "Mages are OP, nerf them!" and i figured it's about time Blizz implemented some age restricted servers such as 21+. I am aware that Blizzard always strives to create the best all-round gameplay for each individual and attempts to avoid collisions between gamers.
I personaly would take the opportunity to move to a 21+ server and know at least another 20-30 players that would opt for the same. We're all fed up with (here comes the stereotype) CHILDREN who constantly #%##! and moan and tell tanks to "go" or go all out on wrong targets causing tanks to lose a considerable amount of threat. Then when it's all over and they are dead they call you every name under the sun while their mum isnt looking. No more!
I am not sure how Blizz would manage this but im sure there is an easy way of implementing it such as proof of ID with credit/debit cards etc. The means of how it's operated i cant comment on but i am sure there will be a way that is effective enough.
The other thing i would like to suggest is with the new LFG tool. Yes i admit it is pretty awesome but how about we have some more options on there. Rather than just selecting your role why not select some options about your playstyle and gaming attitude. IE:
Hardcore, Semi Hardcore, Casual etc.
And then possibly some options for whether you are quiet and just want to get on with it or like to chat and dont mind the odd wipe. This would avoid SO MANY conflicts between gamers like when you get a tank and healer in your group that want achievements and the 3 DPS dont, let's face it the 3 DPS are never going to kick the Tank AND Healer.
Any thoughts on this note them below. Would be good to see how many others would appreciate a server that isnt filled with planks. Admittidly you will always get a few adults that want to act like children, but hey it's a start.
Submit your vote here for a cleaner Azeroth.
Haters are welcome!