So other than a new raid and new raid gear, and other than the new daily grindfest, is there anything really to look foward to with this patch? I see alot more nerfing but not much in the way of improvement for "casual" players. The new raid contnet will obviously NOT be experienced for at least 3-6 months after the patch release by the main stream players. Alot of us bearly have touched on the present raid content let alone completed our tier gear.
Basically we are recycling our game behavior we just did since Cataclysm was released. Another 3 months of grinding to be raid ready just to be passed over by elitists because our dps isnt over 30k this time instead of 20k. Im sorry but if I have to just grind out another 3 months for that I am pretty much done with this game at that point.
Im sick of running trivial dungeons and wiping because someone is working on their 5th level 85 toon. That seems to be all there is for people that have experienced everything in the game thus far. Which is another problem all together. I was in a pug raid the other day and people were bringing their 3rd or 4th toon in to get gear , meanwhile some of us have yet to get one toon all of theirs. This game ends for non raiders and "casuals" whenever the quests stop unfortunately.
Because this game is not fully accessible by all it is ultimately going to lose more subscribers.
There are some obvious have to's by the developers to make the game last but they have done it in such a way to dangle a carrot to all but only really cater to the hardcore. The rest of us who sit and grind everyday for basically nothing ,come away at the end of 4 months of grinding with basically a half assed tier set and utter boredom.
So other than responses from the typical elitist trolls who will tell me to go ahead and quit the game, is there anything to be really excited about in this patch? I mean i really want to be excited but the thought of grinding 60+ daily quests just makes me want to throw my pc in a river. Not to mention any gear i have to get means having to aquire new valor points which is another grind all in itself and most of the time a costly one. And then there is the look of my toon, always in transition never a completed set and always looks like crap especially with the Blizzard artists making the newer tier gear look like its belongs in an alien carnival.