Is anyone else sorta hoping that the factions break up into 3 or 4 different factions for the next expansion?
Say what you will about that story line and how it effects players, but its a surefire way to return to World PVP, prevent 1-sided gaming (like on Cho'gall) and drop the BG queues asap.
Plus it would make for a cool story line. Almost pro-wrestling-esque.
Midget Fight: Dawrves v. Gnomes
Championship Fight: Blaine v. Garrosh with a late game elbow drop from Thrall
Tag Team Battle: Dreani & Tauren go hoof to toe against the Belf & UD empire.
Trolls return to power in the vacuum, the lesser races of gnolls, troggs, murlocks, and quillboar comprise the new horde and overthrow Thunderbluff, Goblin looting goes rampant, and Rexxar rises to build a home for the halfline creates of the world. Dragons everywhere!!!! AQ returns returns to full strength!!!
That my friends....that would be a cataclysm.