Sup. Mount collector here. Relatively new one as well.
Noticed something.
Almost every other mount ever has been a drop off a boss.
Sure, it's pretty neat when you're just running through heroics and manage to pick one up however considering the fact a lot of mounts come from this...Yeah. Bit annoying.
It's even worse with raids considering the sheer amount of drama that stems from such low drop rates.
Flameward Hippogryph? Red/Iron/Rusted/Everything Protodrake? Dark Pheonix? Argent Crusade Mounts?
Yeah. I like these. It's not RNG based. It's effort. Can we get some more of these? Farming an instance really isn't "work" more so "rolling the dice"
The grind for the Crusade mounts is a bit much considering the content is now outdated but again, great concept.
Also: Time-Lost/Aeonaxx/SeahorseMcGee
Good idea. Causes a lot of greifing though.
inb4: u mad kraai