Ret definetly needs a snare and whoever cant see that is plain ignorant Snare is a core mechanic that ALL dps speccs have(not only melee) Blizzard themshelves have admitted that server latency by itshelf makes a snare for any melee class an ESSENTIAL ability...Why ret is left out? Whoever cant see that have never played serious ret(including blizzard developers as it seems)...It is fun to be in range for white hits but out of range for special attacks isnt it? Problem during WotLK wasnt so obvious because back then we had JoJ and our 2 hardest hitting dmg attacks had 15y range(judge) and 10y range (Div. storm).Furthermore we had frontload burst back then and we didnt require uptime on the target to do any dmg Since they changed this and we are a ''combo'' point class with extremly slow combo point generation they HAVE to give us a snare Actually thats the core problem of ret all these years:the lack of a snare.Lacking a snare as a melee class means that you either give it frontload burst to be decent-viable , or have no frontload dmg and no uptime makes this specc the worst possible(as it is right now+rng lol we are really bad atm-worst surviability as well) Will a snare make ret op?Not at will just make it easier to balance.And dont tell me to bring a team mate to snare target for me cause you will end up saying that i need no dmg at all cause i can bring a teammate to do dmg for me..Flawed looic is flawed Furthermore since ALL in this game has a snare, a ret with a weaker 40% snare wont change anything at all in group pvp.Why we are the only one that cant slow down sieges in SOTA? why we are so gimped?THERE IS NO ANSWER AND NO ARGUEMENT AT ALL TO NOT GIVE RET A SNARE. I cant believe they are not giving us one..Its like spitting their paying costumers in the face and not letting them have a decent game experience due to server latency as they have admitted What i find even more funny is that they have no freaking proble at all to give DKs an almost perma hand of freedom, while DK position in pvp atm is 100000000 times better than ret..Double standards with ret as usuall To sum it up: The ability that rets needs more than anything atm is a snare Then we need judge to give guaranteed HoPo and then we need long arm of the lol to have 7y deadzone like every freaking ''gap closer'' in the game or just delete that stupid spell and give us that warrior bugged heroic leap like you should have done from the start, and let warriors not share cd in charge and intercept How stupid can they be?they give warrior 3rd(4rth with intervene) gap closer and then they realize how incredible op this is and they make 2 of their gap clozers share cd..While they are at this they give warriors FAR better shelf heal than rets and a better undispellable-untrinketable lower cd hoj ... and they cant give ret a snare ...LOL........... |