I guess I'm just venting but seriously dps, please click the lightwell. It's not that hard! It's one of a holy priest's main mechanics. Maybe Blizz can make a turorial somewhere on how to click the damn thing.
So my group wiped on Altairus in VP. Now I admit, I don't like the fight and determining wind direction with my comp on low settings can be a pain so I mainly concentrate on avoiding tornadoes. However I have successfully healed it several times. So after the wipe I notice that not one person had clicked on the lightwell (except me of course). So I tell the group to click on it, and that it has a 20 yard range so it's not difficult. The pally says it wasn't in melee range. I point out that it was fairly close to the middle and he could move a little to click on it. Then the warlock comments 'So you're basically asking us to heal ourselves?'. And I was like 'Yeah it's a big mechanic for us now'.
That was sort of a facepalm moment for me. And then since 2-3 of them were in the same guild, the pally comments 'Your bad' and I get kicked.
It was probably the 1st time for me that I really understood where some of the healer frustration is coming from. I'm not saying I'm a great healer or anything because I make mistakes. But I don't totally suck either. And getting kicked because of a wipe that certainly was not totally my fault makes me pretty frustrated. So if you're in a group with a holy priest, please click on the lightwell.