Hi im a fairly new poster and this would be my third i have created my first one was nice, however my second one was not so good.
i asked a question about blizz not mentioning changes in the patch notes. i was told by a blue that they have have a huge work load and that somtimes things slip through the cracks.
When i reposted saying that i didnt believe the said answer to my question i was banned.
i didnt come to cause any more problems but i would like to know.
1. is there a way to appeal a ban on the forums if so how
2. is dis agreeing with a blue a bannable offense
Is it me or has blizzard been awfully sneaky lately making changes that were not even mentiond in patch notes or even stated that the change was going to happen for example.
1. They changed the way u gain conquest points u now gain 100 someting points per win, now u have to do like 25 games to get capped on points. This is a huge change and it wasnt even mentioned in patch notes. 2. the little loket thing u buy for 5k gold that tranforms u into a nigh elf is no longer usable in arena, although this is not that big of a issue it was not stated in patch notes. So this leaves me to believe that blizz knows the changes are stupid and dont make sence so they dont mention them in patch notes beacuase they dont want to hear ppl qq to them about it. So my question to u is Why so sneaky blizz u afraid of something??? |