So I have been thinking lately about how when MoP comes out I will most likely miss some aspects of cataclysm as I have for most of the other expansions. MoP will break the current style of pvp and throw it out the window to introduce a new set of range and abilities changing the gameplay and playstyle of most of the classes across the board.
This can be seen as good both and bad. Obviously very few people are satisified with the current state of pvp, but does that mean that we want a complete set of new abilities or that we want the current set of abilities, and classes balanced, perhaps tweaking the playstyles of some classes but not completly changing everything. I kinda like the game now, i think that burst and healing might be a bit high compared to the large amount of cc in the game. This allows people to score kills just by throwing out a instant clone or what not and globalling people through various other abilities and I feel that instead of trying to outplay and outsmart the opponents it seems that it is more about outcomping, outbursting/globalling your opponents through limited cc. I also think that melee dmg/lockdown ability when they have uptime is way to big as well as caster dmg/cc when they are not interrupted constantly. This needs to be scaled down so melee dont get globalled if casters get to cast for 3 seconds and the same for casters getting globalled when melee connect.
Now getting to the point.
I think this game needs the current gameplay properly balanced to make pvp better. As a pvper I am not limited to doing the same rotation on a target while moving from side to side when my addon tells me it once every minute but I am activly using all my abilities rotating them as to best suit my team players ability and play to give us the best advantage over the opponent, I am constantly doing different things and overall i find pvp very varying. This is what keeps pvp fun, and this is why I feel that for pvp to be good the current abilities need to be balanced. Sure, it takes time, but I feel like you get closeer and closer through out every expansion, at the end now balance isnt that bad if you take pve gear out of the equation, and certainly a lot better then the start of s9. Then we get to MoP and they throw all the work balancing the game and making it better and simply throw it out the window. This usually results in a really badly balanced first season, followed by a semi decent second and a decent third season.
I think that if blizz instead stopped adding that many spells and instead focused on fixing what we have, not creating something new, then the game would be better. As for pve, I think the solution is to make the fights more intresting and dynamic, try to create something that doesnt have the same pre planned tactics that basically is a step 1 step 2 step 3 instructional sheet but allow them to become more creative in defeating their bosses. This way we could work with the abilities we have instead of constatly creating new ones and deleting old ones we could actually take a proper look at the current gameplay and get it well balanced once and for all.
I am not saying the gameplay or playstyle of different classes will be worse or better in MoP then it is, or was. What I am trying to say is that it is very likely to be unbalanced and then slowly get balanced through out the season, which in my opinion is bad for the pvpers overall as we are forced to live through horrible balance for maybe getting some new cool abilities that in all honestly are only cool for a couple of weeks and they you get used to it.
I mean basically I felt as if when 4.3 was releasted blizz said.
"ok instead of balancing the game you will be playing for the next year until we release MoP we will just work on MoP. Ohh and btw, when we release MoP and start to fix it slightly we will start woking on 6.0 instead of balancing MoP. So MoP wont be balanced either."
Now these are just my thoughts on how constantly revamping the entire gameplay and playstyle of all the classes are effecting pvp. Feel free to post replies about anything you want in the comments, since I cant stop you anyways.
TL;DR: remaking gameplay and playstyle of most classes again and again, and adding new spells constantly makes gamebalance harder, if not impossible and is bad for the pvp side of the game.