Yes, it's a kitty naming question.
But, as some of you may or may not know, I recently had a kitten adopt me (she was a stray). So, since she seems to like being in the house, I guess she's here to stay.
Anyways, for some reason I have always had problems naming female cats (male cats are easier to name for some reason) so I was thinking of going with with WoW type name.
So here's a picture of her:
Help me name her (I was thinking of a one syllable NE or BE type name.) I'm tired of calling her the "Kid".
Last gripe I had on the general forums was about reactive healers and absorbs. I'm getting really tired of getting into groups with people not knowing how to read a healing meter and just going off HPS (as if it means anything).
This weeks gripe: how to read a healing meter- especially when you don't know how. It's pretty simple: HPS is NOT DPS Heals per second is this: The higher the damage, the more your healers are going to heal for. If there isn't much damage being taken or if it's mainly a tank healing fight, your average healer is going to be healing for less. Things that effect a healer: Group composition: if you are the only shaman in a raid group with 2 discs and 2 holy pallies, your healing is going to be lowish. That is due to the other classes mechanics and can't be helped. The fight: If there isn't a lot of AoE damage, there isn't going to be a lot to heal. Cool down usage: most healers do not pop there heavy healing cool downs unless they know a lot of raid wide damage is about to go out. HPS is not the only part of the meter you should be reading when it comes to "boot the healer": Dispels- did the healer do dispels on a fight that required it? Overhealing: is the healer high on the overheals meter but low in HPS? That means they are healing but their heals aren't actually doing anything Deaths: did the healer die early into the fight and what to? So before you play the "Kick the healer" game, you need to be looking at the overall picture- not just half of it. |