I have been a gamer all my life. I have always enjoyed the freedom and worry-free experience I have gotten from gaming. I suffer from a severe memory impairment stemming from long term ADHD. (I have very little short term memory) along with a severe case of involuntary muscle spasms. (I have difficulty typing/hitting the right buttons)
It doesn't sound like much to most people, but to anyone that has any sort of physcial or mental impairment something as simple as completing a quest may be trying. But hey, we are just as capable as others. This isn't a thread for us just to complain. this is a thread for sharing any stories you might have and sharing tips and tricks for others with physical limitations.
Tell me how you get around your challenges? How do set things up to better your gaming experience? any advice you want to share with your fellow gamers? Post it here!
I find that locking all of my toolbars and addon windows and setting things up so I can't double click and turn them off unintentionally really helps with the unintentional button presses.
I also managed to set up my actions bars so the important things I tend to forget to use, such as buffs and enhancements are near eye level, becausxe as long as I can see it I can remember to use it!