So, I have this spectral tiger cub. Leveled it to 25. Now I wish to sell it. However, thanks to your complete inability to fix this hack, yet deny its real, (trust me, we all know its real) it now has pretty much no value. I have tried three servers that I play on off and on just to find the same thing. Some hacker unloaded a ton of the dupped cubs onto the servers ah over the weekend, and now no one wants to buy them for a fair price.
How come you let this continue to happen? Crimson death chargers going from rare, to plentiful and worth less then 15k. Spectral tigers going down to less then 60k (the mount). Cubs going from 150k to less then 20k in value. Lets not even forget the mess that is the craft able mounts (people selling sands and orbs for less then 2k anyone?).
On Arthas, it got so bad someone was selling 92, that's right 92 Haunting Spirits for a mere 100k (each worth normally 3k at the time he was selling it). Then you have to remember the first time epic gems were in cata and people where selling stacks apon stacks of them within days.
Look, I am tired of anything of value being decreased to such a pitiful amount that there is no way I can sell them. Oh, you got lucky and got yourself a rare tcg mount? So did the hackers who then duped the heck out of them and put up so many on the ah that literally no one wants them anymore.
FIX THIS. I am tired of deal with this. You want a gold sink? How about you fix this hack so anyone of us who gets something rare honestly can actually sell it for a high price because it remains rare. Not turned into something literally everyone has for dirt cheap.