I am quitting WoW upon release of MoP. I’ve been an achievement wh*re, garnering 93% of the achievements, or 1317/1402. When Cataclysm launched I started a spreadsheet to plan out my achievement acquisition (506 and counting) and tracked new ones that were released. Which leads to my question….
Is there is a way, either through the game, or through Battle.net or Wowhead, that I can export all the information from the achievement pane into an .xls or .cvs file, so that I can get the information for achievements I obtained preCata. At the very least I need Category, Sub-Category, Achievement Name, & Completed Time/Date. I’d like to keep this as a memento.
Hey, I posted this on another forum and was told by an MVP that I might get an answer here. I haven't programmed in ten years so I was wondering if someone knew of a simple one shot answer that can help me. Thanks in advance.