But today i found a post where the community blue posted ascii art, and I felt very upset.
They can broke their own law, but punish the outsiders who broke that same law?
Are you the kind of guys who says "*snip* you looser" to your ex-mates and then blame the others for doing the same thing you did? Is that your real truth?
I don't get the point.
Yes, you said hundred of times LFR is for supercasuals who doesn't have another way of seeing raid content. But i'm from a guild that does normal modes and i'm obliged to do it every week to be competitive, and it's not enough. After 2 weeks of raiding, we haven't killed the Stone Guards yet. This is not a problem in tanking position, low dps or bad healing. Its a gear only problem. Raidleaders force us guildraiders to make LFR to get better gear (i'm almost ilvl470), probably because there is no faster way to get gear. If we don't you have to spend weeks farming valor points till you can buy that 2200vp gear you need, or you have to pay thousands of golds for a crafted item at the AH. At this point like Zarhym said (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7006893247), blizzard don't "force" us normal mode raiders to do LFR, but it's a hidden obligeration. If you don't LFR (or you are a pro), you fail. So in certain mode, you are forcing us to get gear first from LFR and then go to normal mode to succeed. If LFR it's just a casual addition for people who couldn't raid normal mode (for time reasons etc), why do you force normal raiders to have to pass this horrible LFR thing if they want to do something? I think the problem is LFR is extremely easy and normal mode is a bit overtunned. Normal is a step above where it should be if you want an easy transition. That way probably, you shouldn't be forced to gear up in LFR and let it only for casuals who doesn't raid normal modes. Thanks. |