The removal of the portals from Shattrath and Dalaran is just one more bad idea in the long list of bad ideas that Blizzard has introduced into WoW that will eventually be corrected.
The Blue post said that they removed the portals as the only reason they were there in the first place was to allow quick and easy access to auction houses and trainers for leveling characters and now that in place of the portals there are auction houses and trainers in those cities. Nice. But why couldn't they have just been there all along? THAT would be the sensible thing to do. NOT make players jump through artifical hoops in the hopes that they would appreciate being forced to waste more of their time to do the things they want to do.
Some players still grind out the dailies in Outland and Northrend EVERYDAY (on multiple toons) for the rep as well as the mats that drop. Before The Removal this was pretty simple: start out in Northrend, do those dailies then hearth to Dalaran, use the portal to Shattrath, do all the dailies in Outland then hearth back to Dalaran - rinse and repeat the next day. The Removal has taken away precious time that these players have making it MUCH more difficult for them to get to exalted in what time they have to play.
For Jewelcrafters, their only way to get the currency they need to buy "the best" gem recipes is from the one and ONLY JC daily located in Dalaran. Wait a pain having to either start out in Dalaran then fly and boat to Azeroth or vie versa.
People say "Hire a mage! Quitcher %@%!#en!" I imagine that people who play mages will have better things to do with their time once Cataclysm drops than to log in everyday and port other players where they need to go. Returning the portals elliminates the pestering of mages that is coming AND allows non-mages to do what they want in-game on their own time with what time they have.
I really don't think that Blizzard should worry about whether or not "new" players "get stuck" playing in Outland or Northrend instead of the New Azeroth. In the two years I've been playing WoW, I have yet to meet a player that couldn't figure out where the "new" content was or find another player who gladly helped them get to where they wanted to be.
Put the portals back. Give a mage and the rest of us a break.
Thank you.