Well since this appears to be the only place that gets blue responses I am going to type this out here.
I was sitting in /2 in SW and I saw a guy ask if someone could help him with an add on for 5k gold. I didn't have anything to do and I could have used 5k gold so I said I would help. I added him to skype and we started talking and he said he had an add on name calculate fun that he made and he wants people to try it out. I said I would even though I hadn't used an add on in over a year. I downloaded it and he was asking if I knew how to put add ons in the curse client for people to download.
Any way I get the add on downloaded and placed in and log in. We meet up in SW and I make a macro that says /calculate and he says to spam it and it should work. I did and all it did was trade about 10k gold to him that I had on me lol. He than quit skype and than logged off immediately. I know it was dumb on my part but I have honestly never ran into one scammer in the wow community. I have played other mmos and encountered them but never on WoW. I am being told that I can't get the gold back but even so if I can't can you at least ban this guy so he can't do it again? I have the logs in skype also.
I am positive that you can even see that I traded him blizzard. I am sure you have logs of that and can see it. Like I said before even if I can't get gold back this has to be enough information to at least ban the account for good so it doesn't happen again. I know the stupidity on my part lol. After it happened I said what happened in trade and more than one person said yea he is a scammer. Why would a player like this still be around? If this isn't enough information to get a player like this removed than I don't know why I would keep playing this game.