What if selecting "Pass" on all loot rolls for a given boss did not cause you to burn your Loot Lockout for that boss.
That way even 'ninjas' and people rolling 'just for the lulz' would be more inclined to hit the pass button rather than being a jerk so that next time they run they have a chance at a piece of loot they really want.
In other words:
Rolling Need: Burns your Loot Lockout for Boss X for a week (if you win item becomes non-tradable to stop buddy rollers)
Rolling Greed: Burns your Loot Lockout for Boss X for a week if you win
Rolling DE: Burns your Loot Lockout for Boss X for a week if you win
Passing on the all loot roll: Saves your Loot Lockout for Boss X for that week
Would this perhaps help slow down the ninjas and 'for the lulz' crowd and even cause 'noobs' to research their class properly to ensure they don't waste their Need roll on non-optimal gear and perhaps save us from a fair amount of QQ. I know it doesn't solve the problem with MS>OS, but it would help some.
Note: I use the terms 'ninja', 'noob', and 'for the lulz crowd' to apply to the general context of this forum.
Sure, those with the time and dedication to do multiple runs of Dragonsoul in LFR will have the chance to acquire gear they want more quickly, but I believe this will also help to keep the LFR healthily populated throughout the week.
EDIT - I realised I did not include a link to the original thread which really adds a lot of context, given this is what Kez was responding to;