Hello everyone,
I know this topic has been brought up many times but I would just like to lay out a few thoughts.
Back around the Summer time it was announced that BC was to be included when purchasing World of Warcraft (Vanilla) for free. (You can see this is true by simply activating a Trial account. Notice you'll be able to create a Blood Elf or Draenei.)
Blog Post : http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/2993674
Since BC was being included with the base game I'm sure many of us began to have high hopes for our flightless zones. Unfortunately, nothing has been said (To my knowledge) about allowing flight or repairing these areas.
As far as I know, the portal from Eastern Plaguelands to Ghostlands seemed like it was only there to keep people without the BC expansion out of the zone. Now with BC included with every account it seems natural to remove the portal and stick the zones together, if possible. (Since I know E.Plaguelands is merely a well placed illusion when seen from the Ghostlands side.)
Also, as a side note: During the 4.1 PTR Flight was enabled in Ghostlands due to Zul'Aman making a comeback but was removed.
Personally I would love to be able to fly all over the Eastern Kingdoms, completely from Top to Bottom. Right now the world seems a bit disconnected with the portal there.
Obviously I'm not demanding changes to be made immediately. I know it requires work to repair the zones including Exodar and Silvermoon to a non-broken and flyable version. None of the starting zones questing needs to be modified as others have in the Cataclysm revamp, those are great. Also, if server load is the issue, then not attaching them would be fine if flight was allowed.
I know a lot of this is written from the Horde perspective so I would love to see Alliance chime in about the Exodar and the Draenei starting zones as well!
TD:LR : Flying in BC zones plox?