Please consider implementing a CAPTCHA into the game Blizzard. An example would be: 3 players report someone they believe to be a bot. The bot would recieve a picture of a tauren in their screen (or a wall of text), and has to answer for the example the question: Which creature do you see in the picture. The challenged client would then have to answer the question within for example 2 minutes. If no answer is given, they are disconneted from the server and have to reconnect.
They should also include a timelimit for how often a player have to answer a CAPTCHA, to stop others from abusing the functionality. Ie, if a player has answered a CAPTCHA the last 20 minutes, they will not be challenged within that time. I guess you should also have a few tries (maybe 3?) if you fail the challenge, so people writing the wrong answer would not be disconneted immediately.
Do other players think this would work? :)