So, today - first approach in LFR. Catastrophic tank communication at the First Boss, as expected. Raid split up because one guy decided to had the brilliant idea to kick the tank who had less knowledge.
Second raid 5minutes later, completely new setup - except the tank from the run before, the guy with more knowledge.
It turned out that we approached the First Boss 3times with the 10man tactic of splitting them up etc - went too chaotic. Turned to stone all 3times. Then as a last attempt, we just pulled them together and nuked away.
What happened? Yes, you already guessed it right - they went down, easily.
We proceeded to the 2nd and 3rd boss with the same "tactic" of simply nuking away everything we had regardless of any "mechanic".
What happened? Yes, you already guessed it right - they went down, easily.
Loot: 3 Caches of Mogu Riches, not so rich. 85gold50silver total.
See you next week.
Really? Yes, I love the 10man approach currently. But what on earth is happening in LFR? With all respect but I am very sorry for those people who are not able to get into a premade yet and experience the "real" raid. How dull must this look to them?
<Edited for language ~ Takralus>
So I have this makro and others with a similar "/equip"-line since aeons. This macro works with every possible shield out there.
Just not with ![]() #showtooltip Spell Reflection Is the macro. Can anybody help out? |
So I red this somewhere but I need a clarification (because I am transfering soon) that a server transfer is resetting your weekly points cap?