Hello, I make this thread in hopes to get some replies of people who are having a similar issue.
Whats been happening lately is so GM's from Blizzard with names like ([Game Master] Blízzard) they keep whiserping me saying problems with my account... and this one GM said that my account was in compromised and I need to viisit this website to asure it's safety... so I did this right cos I've played WoW for like 3-4 years now and I really really don't wanna lose the work I put into this character and others.
So I go on this website and enter my details, and I whisperd the GM saying thanks.... and I felt pretty glad that my acciunt was secure again, but yet I still get more whisperes from GM's
they keep whispering me offering me free game-time if I visit this website and they have similar names like Blizzardy or Billzárd or something... point is they whisper me again saying my account is in compromised and it's very annoying.
I've entered my details twice now to get them to stop and they still whisper me every few days..
Is this some new service that Blizzard are trying to provide cos I'm finding it VERY annoying... also is their a way to stop it?