This topic came to me during the last couple of days after I, once again, completed an LFR with no loot besides gold.
I used to raid on an active basis and I was sort of happy with that, but as I've grown (sadly) time have become more precious and rare so raiding for me now days is simply not possible, at least not on the level I wish to raid, so I have to satisfy myself with LFR's and the occasional normal raid If anyone is willing to take on a guy with minimal experience.
My guild is a PvP guild while I'm a PvE player myself so there isn't much raiding happening there unfortunately.
Anyway... moving on to my thoughts.
The loot-system... is not very good IMO. This random loot thing simply.... well it sucks.
Having a system that... eventually.... MIGHT.... drop an item for you doesn't sound very good to me and I'm not sure why I have put up with it for so long. Granted there aren't any real options but I have never said a word about it, besides in the occasional thread here on the forums.
So.... PvE... random drop, raid and hope for the frigging best. You can raid for years and years and still not get the item that you actually need, i.e. a weapon upgrade. Do LFR over and over again and hope for it to drop. It doesn't drop and then you have the next tier out.. so you start doing the new instances and dungeons and hope for a new weapon and it still doesn't drop. You are well deserving of a new weapon after doing the same boss 'bout 20 times but you still don't have a weapon and now the next patch is lurking around the corner.
I'm sure you understand what I'm saying.
Meanwhile... PvP have a different kind of system, but it's a fair system. Do PvP... and you can get the gear you need. As long as you actually do PvP.
Why not have something similar for PvE? Why not? I know there are valor and justice points but they don't cover everything. Weapons would be a good example.
It's quite stupid that you need to kill one boss, maybe 20 times, for one item, that might drop. That might drop.
To finish one instance 20 times for a full new set of ilvl xxx, I can agree with. But one boss 20 times? For one item? No.
The system could be something like this... you complete 1 instance and you can choose what item you want, or complete it twice? Or like it is today you are still awarded with valor points.. but for the valor points you can buy all kinds of gear... LIKE WEAPONS.
Except for last week i've done the LFR's looking for a new weapon since I don't know and I'm still using a dungeon weapon, ilvl 463.
LFR's doesn't have gear requirements as such but it still aint funny to use a ilvl 463 item when the current LFR ilvl are 502.
It affects you when in raids and while LFR's might not have harsh requirements about gear, eventually you will fall behind and when you eventually do find a normal raid your gear is too poor and you have no idea when, or even if you will ever be able to upgrade that weapon piece.
Anyway this is just a thought, that maybe it's time for a change, just maybe, and I would like to know how other people feel about the current system itself and what sort of other system they would like to see instead of the RNG one.
Take it easy now