I had a piece NINJA looted from me in BH run and contacted a Game Master to try and get it resolved to no avail has it been. I even contacted the Master Looter of the Raid which gave the gloves to a guildie that lost the roll and they opened a ticket after a conversation with them(since the Game Master excuse is that on Master Loot the person has to state the rules in open chat and the Master Looter can give to any one). Blizzard told me there is still nothing they can do even though the Mater Looter contacted them on the matter asking them to give the item to me. If a Master Looter can give to anyone and files a petition to do so then why are they not acting upon it? So since Blizzard wants to protect and promote this I cancelled the 3 accounts I pay for but I guess Blizzard doesn't care nor do they worry about losing revenue! For those of you that are going to post and say it happens why yes it does but this isn't the first time it has happened to me but it will be the last time. Why should I continue to give a company money when they protect thief's and do not protect the victims nor do they care about keeping a customer?