I have several keys that in patch 4.2 will likely become inventory items. My bag space is already at a premium, and this will just clutter me up more.
Saying "This change could also potentially allow us to play around with the amount of default storage space you're allotted down the road. " is not acceptable, unless you increase the size of the backpack NOW to compensate us for the lost inventory space when this change occurs.
Some pie-in-the sky promise that this will allow future inventory increases is no good unless you implement at least a small bump to inventory space when this happens. Dance studio anyone? How about the ability to mail BOAs cross-realm?
Here's a tip: Take the number of keys in the game that will be converted to inventory items in 4.2, add two to that, round up to the nearest multiple of four, and increase everyone's backpack by that amount in 4.2.