Just really pay yourselves on the back with this one what a great piece content.
I hit level cap yesterday and I'm late to the party as it is, so to be able to catch up with my peers quickly put a real smile on my face.
Plenty of people moaning about it ruining the game making older MoP raids obsolete but I don't see it that way at all. I still want to run all of them to see the story, the mechanics and just all the content.
I really appreciate the Timeless Isle and the way it helps players like myself. It's come at the right time in expansion where people could miss out on current content, but instead are given the chance to catch up and see it.
Really bravo, massive fan here and casual player appreciating the help. But also I think the more intense gamer can appreciate that their alts can benefit as they I'm sure don't really want to grind dungeon HCs again.