This is by no means a rant, more of a suggestion, and before you say "you should have rolled on a PvE server", please read up. I've always played on a PvP server since I like the aspect of a fight whenever and wherever, I have no problems with being killed once maybe twice by the same person it is expected after all, but one thing that goes against this is ganking, it's by no means fun to be on the receiving end and in some ways there are too many disadvantages to being ganked such as ress timers, removal of buffs/pets (weakens us before we can retaliate) etc, so I have a few proposals as to how to resolve this issue:
1. Remove the ress wait timer so that we can ress straight away and not have to wait up to 2 minutes if we are being constantly targeted. (only applicable to PvP kills)
2. Sustain buffs through death (only PvP applicable)
3. Better yet place some sort of protection if repeatedly killed by the same person, so instead of a ress wait timer there is a "can't attack player for x minutes" debuff on the ganker themselves.
I do enjoy a PvP world, but there is a limit to being ganked several times over, so would be nice to see some effects that discourage players from doing this to others. I've found this a particular problem on Cata since the advancement in gear means I'm often being ganked by someone with 3 times my health (if not more). Feel free to give som constructive critical feedback if you agree/disagree.