Hey all, I know this Transmogrification thing is still in progress but I was thinking of something that will help everyone get all they can out of this new tool.
Here are two sets of people that this Transmogrification affects:
-Those people who have sold/deleted old gear for sake of say space in a bank
-Those people who have saved up all their gear and/or have the current sets of gear
Now here is my idea in full:
First off we can start with the people who no longer have the gear at all. These people, like me, at this point would need the gear for Transmogrification will probably he to farm it. What if we didn't have to do this?
I'm not saying don't have people inspired to farm and experience old content, but here is one OTHER type of pathway to using the Transmogrification tool. In the Sneak Peak for this Transmogrification idea, it says that the Ethereals are "emerging from the Nether", and by that I'm assuming the Twisting Nether. Well isn't the Twisting Nether where all that lost stuff goes? (I'm assuming this because of the Postmaster, the guy who sends you say the Satchel of Helpful Goods if your bag is full.) Now lets say with them, they brought with them LOADS of former gear sets, even T3 which is no longer available that is found within the Nether.
Now here is where the idea comes in. These gear sets that the Ethereals brought back from the Nether can be used by those that don't have the gear for Transmogrification, though at a price. This Transmogrification option would be the more expensive of the two, coming it at a MUCH larger price than that of if the player already has the gear available like 200% or 300% larger in price or something like that. Now the downside to not having the gear would be that, it is a 1 time Transmogrification and if you say wanted to Transmogrificate it to that same armor once again you would have to buy a second set.
Here comes the idea (though much shorter) for those that already have the gear readily available. Those that have the gear would have it plain and simple, they have a MUCH cheaper price for the Transmogrification than those players that do not have the gear already. Their OWN armor sets can also be saved in the Void Storage so that it can be used multiple times to change their armor still, yet after they used the armor to Transmogrificate once, it is then free afterwards for all other current gear you use it on to change its appearance.
Now I know it might sound confusing, considering I probably rambled on a bit but I'll try to give a tl;dr.
Tl;dr: Those players that don't have the gear available can buy it from the Ethereals for a 1 time Transmogrification at a HIGH price while those who already have the gear available can use it for Transmogrification of their gear at a LOW price that then becomes free for subsequent uses of that armor set piece for Transmogrification.
Now obviously this idea is just for PvE Tier, PvP Season Armor, and maybe even the old Dungeon sets, not weapons which are pretty special and you'll need to actually obtain. So ya thats my idea (a long one ya) but what do you think? Is it fair?