Hi There,
I have been dealing with various GM's trying to get items restored for my mage which were deleted at some point last month (if you require the GM's names I have them available).
GM says he can only restore items which he can see in the deleted item list, this is fair enough, however if an item is not in the deleted items list but it exists inthe Equipment manager under any set, then the character did indeed have that item and it should be availalble for restoring.
Currently the GM's say they dont have access to the item list if items that exisit in the various sets in Equipment Manager - and thus cant restore them - please provide this access for future and if you decide its a bad idea or dont want to go with it then please get a GM with access to equipment manager items to restore my missing items.
Having an option to auto-restore all items from all sets or 1 set under equipment manager (which dont exist in a players bank / inventory) will make things easier for players and GM's and also give GM's more free time to deal with other issues.
When I tell the GM i had full 329+ items they seem to not belive me, which makes no sense because I can link then HC achivements which show i had atleast 329+ average ilvl.
Also GM says item history is purged based on item quility, where quility is legendary, epic, blue, green, white, and not based on iLvL - surely if a character ever wants something restored he is not interested in his lvl 70 epics, he would rather have his 85 blues? - legendaries yes sure keep them forever, they actually hard to get.