***Long story***
Dear Community,
This month of May is Brain Cancer as well as Lupus Awareness month. You are asking what this pertains to WoW right? Well here is my story.
December of 2008 My world along with my husband and our children's lives were shattered when we got the news that my husband was diagnosed with Service related Brain Cancer, see he was a soldier in the US Army and spent many deployments in Iraq getting exposed to the burning pits that were so toxic thus producing harmful illness to many soldiers. My husband SSG Timothy Mannor won or should I lost the lottery in chances of being safe. Anyway he was diagnosed which means I had a lot of work ahead of me to take care of him and our children through this whole entire process.
Once the diagnosis was confirmed I realized that I would not have time to have an OUTSIDE social life so I started playing World of Warcraft so I can remain sane and still be in contact with the outside world on social basis. It has been wonderful and definitely was an escape at the end of the day.
Tim had radiation therapy 5 days a week along with chemotherapy every 2 weeks including terrible side effects. So I couldn't really leave the house unless I had to. At night while everyone was asleep I would play WoW to escape and take my anger on the world out on the mobs and raid bosses. It felt good for a few hours at night before reality sit in the following morning over and over again.
My husband fought this battle for 3 years before he succumbed to the disease January 2012. He has been gone 3 years now and still hurts and angers me but I have remained strong for our 2 boys , one who is Autistic. As you see I still continue to play this game because of all of the love and support from people like you.
Blizzard Entertainment, a special thank you for creating such a wonderful game to help people like me remain safe and sane. I love you!!!!! And no ladies and gentlemen this just isn't a game it's a unique way of being social and supportive to the human race.
/end story
Dear Community,
This month of May is Brain Cancer as well as Lupus Awareness month. You are asking what this pertains to WoW right? Well here is my story.
December of 2008 My world along with my husband and our children's lives were shattered when we got the news that my husband was diagnosed with Service related Brain Cancer, see he was a soldier in the US Army and spent many deployments in Iraq getting exposed to the burning pits that were so toxic thus producing harmful illness to many soldiers. My husband SSG Timothy Mannor won or should I lost the lottery in chances of being safe. Anyway he was diagnosed which means I had a lot of work ahead of me to take care of him and our children through this whole entire process.
Once the diagnosis was confirmed I realized that I would not have time to have an OUTSIDE social life so I started playing World of Warcraft so I can remain sane and still be in contact with the outside world on social basis. It has been wonderful and definitely was an escape at the end of the day.
Tim had radiation therapy 5 days a week along with chemotherapy every 2 weeks including terrible side effects. So I couldn't really leave the house unless I had to. At night while everyone was asleep I would play WoW to escape and take my anger on the world out on the mobs and raid bosses. It felt good for a few hours at night before reality sit in the following morning over and over again.
My husband fought this battle for 3 years before he succumbed to the disease January 2012. He has been gone 3 years now and still hurts and angers me but I have remained strong for our 2 boys , one who is Autistic. As you see I still continue to play this game because of all of the love and support from people like you.
Blizzard Entertainment, a special thank you for creating such a wonderful game to help people like me remain safe and sane. I love you!!!!! And no ladies and gentlemen this just isn't a game it's a unique way of being social and supportive to the human race.
/end story