I just recently returned after a long hiatus and while I enjoy some of the changes I am rather disappointed with LFG dungeons. I like the idea behind LFG, being able to queue up is better than sitting in Ironforge trying to get a group/raid together, but there does not seem to be much if any challenge with the new system
Any dungeon I have been in, using the LFG system, is the exact same, tank runs in, DPS face-roll AOE abilities, rinse and repeat. Most bosses are not much better, the majority seeming to be a combination of not standing in puddles and the tank keeping the mob facing away from the group. With the current state of things you might as well throw away all single target abilities and CC, they are never used.
Now, if I understand correctly, things are more challenging in non-LFR raids, but there is no reason that 5-mans should not be a challenge too. Yes wipes suck, but that doesn't mean you should be able to complete an instance by smashing your forehead into your keyboard.
Why on earth is everything so easy now, did that many people really suck that bad that Blizzard had to dumb down every dungeon? Does anyone else miss thinking and fighting a little smarter over lol-aoe?