The new S13 Honor gear is Epic yet uses Superior-style Upgrade scheme.
via the Item API, this is unknown:
{"upgradable": true}
via the Character API, the upgrade information is revealed:
{"upgrade": {"current": 0,"total": 2,"itemLevelIncrement": 0}}
I understand that in the game internals, there is an item-by-item specification for how each item should be upgraded but I do not have direct access to that information.
Could the Item API also include an "upgrade" key with "max" (1 or 2) and "itemLevelIncrementStep" (4 or 8) information?
How can I detect item uniqueness and the key for a unique-equipped count (1) from the item web api?
Example: Unique-Equipped: Darkmoon Card of the Mists (1) Nothing mentions "Darkmoon Card of the Mists" or Unique Thanks! |