I popped into the Darkmoon Faire last time it was around as a brand new level 10ish player. I had no idea what was going on.
Since then, I've done some research and understand generally how the Faire works around buying tickets to win tokens to buy gear.
What would your advice be to a non-capped player? Should I just go enjoy the silly games? Are there "must have" items I should strive to obtain? Should I focus on one game to get good at and maximize my tokens? Should I just stick to leveling and ignore the Faire?
I kinda like these diversions (like Pet Battles) so I'll probably head in and play some games but I wonder if there's something glaring that EVERYONE should be trying to obtain through the Faire.
Hello all. I'm a returning WoW player (I played from beta to 2005, capped an orc rogue at 60, and started back up earlier this month with a new account) and I'm VERY excited to be back in the game.
I'm amazed at how much has changed and happy to see new content and a deep storyline to tie it all together. Unfortunately, though, I'm a bit of a neophyte when it comes to the Warcraft story. I've searched this site and see a very short summary of the story available in the game guide but it's basically a few sentences per game release. Is there a full Warcraft storyline available that will take me from the original Warcraft game through the current expansion? TIA! |