A bunch of designers from many departments are getting laid off today, i wonder if that means the Q3 conference call later today isn't going to be rosy. See, if you guys had listened to me instead of trivializing the leveling experience, talent trees, homogenizing classes, and for the most part dumbing down all the depth this game used to have, you wouldn't be in this mess.
WoW now appeals to a completely opposite audience, one who favors immediate gratification over character development and immersion, entitlement over competitiveness, doesn't bother reading quest text, and normally wouldn't even like MMOs or RPGs. Many of those who praise the new linear and much simplified 1-85 leveling experience are people who hate leveling to begin with! Gameplay that used to require a modicum of thought (hmm which enemy should I pull without pulling all of them at onc... oh damn just got aggro from behind!) has been abandoned in favor of one-shotable quest mobs and zones you will outlevel before you're even half finished. Anyone with half a brain can tell you this is not the way to retain your former players.