Oh man, this is going to be awesome
Seriously blizzard, if CHALLENGE modes are ever nerfed to the point say like the cataclysm heroic dungeons were, what would be the point in calling them CHALLENGE mode runs?
I have watched 2 videos of the Panderen introductions to the horde and the alliance.
When a Pandaren enters the Alliance, you walk around with Varian as he talks to you about your new duties and who your enemies are, then afterwards you spar with Varian as a test to see what you can bring in combat. All you do is auto attack as he dodges/parries all of your moves until you get 1 hit in, then he falls down and admits he hadn't fought like that in years. When a Pandaren enters the Horde it's basically the same with talking about new duties, but instead of sparring with Garrosh, you enter an arena and fight 3 giant bosses with 4 other pandarens by yourside. Alliance gets a few seconds of sparring, Horde gets epic arena death match. Sigh at Blizzard |