For every single season there is forced honor grind for all of the classes you want to play in that season. For every single season you want to play well you need to start from the begin and not miss weeks. If you can't play that week you get instantly behind a few steps also you should play RBGs to be able to compete in arenas because other players do RBGs too.
All this grind have become such a burden over time. I don't want to be "forced" to cap during the weeks I don't have time for it. This is especially difficulty for those with multiple characters. Atm if I enter arenas it is just ridiculous because even if our enemies position or over extend like morons we can't capitalize on it at all for a simple lack of dmg. At the moment my character has 17k conquest points earned in this season and when entering arena at 1400 rating we meet fully geared and upgraded players most of the time.
Maybe it is time for me to quit since I simply can't take being globaled by player who don't even know basics of their class.