So Blizzard likes to have server crashes? I still have huge latency since I killed Oondasta half an hour ago and for what? 50g reward? With a 200g repair bill? Bah, never gonna do that again. Lags were so high that some ppl got the achievement and were already long gone, while others, such as me, was still fighting the boss, at least that's what my screen was showing, for another 2-3 minutes. Why do such an event if YOU KNOW servers are very likely to crash? I don't get it.
Hi WoW community. My name is Denisake and I delete my characters. I've been playing WoW for about 3 years now and this rogue is the only character I've got. I reached 80/85 with quite a few classes so far (warrior, mage, hunter, rogue) but at some point something happens and, well..I delete my character...and start fresh. I always have the feeling that the new character I create will be perfect, I won't die unless it's inevitable, I will complete all the achievements, be the perfect PvP/PvE player etc. so I work hard on any new character, I spend hours,days,nights grinding achievements, everything goes according to plan, until one day I suddenly decide to delete it and make a new one. I was wondering: am I the only one having this problem?...Anyway..I hope I'll keep this rogue ... like for as long as WoW exists. I'm really curious to see what others think about this.