How it Works:
Player A: Wants 10 stacks of

Player A: Submits a purchase order on the AH for 10 stacks of

Player B: Wants so sell some

Player B: Is happy with the amount offered and clicks to fulfill Player A's order.
Player A: Instantly receives the

Player B: Instantly receives the 600g that Player A paid up-front for the order.
This would definitely help the situation on many servers because most players trying to control/manipulate the Auction House simply don't have the stocks. They rely on undercutting other players 24/7 or forcing the prices down to buy out all the stock and flip it!
After all who is more important to Blizzard? The 1000s of players who just want to make gold to enjoy the game or the handful of players that want to manipulate the economies because thats the only part of the game they enjoy?
Edit was for item code error and typo