Hang in there guys and gals! I have no idea how long (or how many) you all are going to have to deal with trolls on the forums. I want to let the moderators know that there are people that post on these forums that can understand what you are going through right now. (Well maybe not exactly understand, but with the lack of a better word I'm going to use understand.) So keep up the good work.
I truly believe that MoP is going to be the best expansion yet for the world of warcraft, in terms of how fun it is to play the game. With the game turning its focus to the alliance verse horde war along with pve battlegrounds, those two sound like absolutely great ideas for this period in time.
Please read this before posting
For all those that like this thread, you have my welcome to post. For those of you who agree/disagree about this being the best expansion, that's not the focus of this thread. For those of you that disagree with my comments/assessment of the forums moderators, I suggest you try moderating these forums.