Id like to see alot more fun glyphs in MoP
Like the druid glyphs for example the minor glyph that turns you into a orca instead of a mangled seal while in aquatic form
id like these glyphs on every class, just a few suggestions
Glyph of Undeadly - your ghoul now appears as one of those skeleton mobs from ICC ( duno what there called )
Glyph of Lichborne - your lichbourne now turns you into a abomination, return to normal form when lichbourne ends
Glyph of Magic Shell - Changes the colour of your anti magic shell every time its used
Glyph of DnD - when a emeny target is standing in death and decay they will turn into a ghoul and increases damage taken by 5%
thats all i can think of for DK atm anyone else got some fun Glyphs they would like to see?