wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     


It is with great honor that I am able to post this here. Through out all the times in our lives that we may bicker among ourselves, complain about the quality of life, and even lash out with our anger in misguided frustration, we must always remember that we stand able to do these things, because of the Men and Women who have fallen for us.

Opinions come and go, politicians change, countries grow, but Soldiers stay the same. Defenders of what we hold to be inalienable rights to all living things, defenders of a constitution derived of Men who wished but nothing of equality for all. It is not a message of political ambition or self-righteous exasperation, but an idea that all born unto this earth ARE free to peruse a life of fulfillment and happiness. Sadly, the cost for this has never been short of the lives of those willing to defend it.

To those who are serving:
Remember back to your training, and even before that when you raised your right hand. Remember that understanding of sacrifice and determination, that overwhelming sense of pride. Remember that spark that allowed you to decide your life was worth giving up for the same reasons you joined. I implore you to infuse this feeling back into your day-to-day and especially into your units. The beuacracy of the Military is dreadful if you allow it to be. Remember why.

My heart goes out to you and I thank you for all you do. I thank you for all the time you spend away from your families. I thank you for all the long days, sleepless nights, and the toll your job takes on your body. I love you all with everything I can muster.

To those who have served:
The transition to civilian life is an interesting one. It was much easier in my head. We have been expected to set a standard for what feels like our entire life and as it turns out, the rest of the world doesn't play by the same rules. No one will ever know the true hardships we have faced save for those who have been with us. Do not fret over the confusion and ignorance of the world. We are unique to them, and sometimes uniqueness can be supplemented with fear, anger, and confusion. Never forget your discipline. Never forget our comrades. Walk strong and be proud.

I thank you for all you have done, for what I do not know you've done, and for what you continue to do. You are my brothers and sisters. We are a family of forgotten but not gone. I love you. You are always in my thoughts.

To those who have fallen:
I can not conjure the words to express my gratitude. You gave 100% of yourself and no cost is greater. There is not continue here. No extra coins to be inserted. Please take resolution in knowing that the rest of us are right behind you, screaming your message all the way to the gates of hell. You are loved. You are missed. May you rest in eternal peace.

Today is Veterans day, we take the time to honor those who serve. To give themselves up to something greater than themselves is not an easy task, and I say while today is the day of rememberance and pleasentries, do not forget them tomorrow.