I was just part of the worst heroic stonecore group I've ever witnessed. We wiped 4 times, two on trash, three on boss. That's beside the point. I go to get my gear repaired since my bow now has 0 durability, and I have a 104g repair bill. I know it's easy for top levels to earn gold, but it's just ridiculous losing that much gold due to a really ignorant instance group. There should be a way to force the tank or whomever is at fault to pay the repair bills of those effected.
Also, I read somewhere where it said "Your items do not suffer durability damage from being killed by enemy players." I am witness to that being false. Whenever I go on a solo raid to the crossroads or wherever, I always have a hefty repair bill following the end of it, after being killed 5 or so times by level 85 players.
My request is either lower the cost of repairing items, lower how much durability damage items take per death or whatever, or take away durability altogether.