11/12 in my guild's 2nd 10 man raid group (out of 5 groups) and the main group has been raiding since week 3, so they're 12/12 with 3/12 HM.
My raid group will down Nefarian this week (hopefully) or the next. That means twelve bosses to farm for the entirety of 4.1. I was looking towards the firelands IMMENSELY, because I enjoyed this tier of raid content tons. It was fun, challenging, but not so hard I was frustrated. I'd be alright with if NEW stuff was coming out, like a bunch of new five mans. I'm not too keen on heroics giving epics either.
But, rehashed ZA and ZG isn't awesome. I didn't run it in Vanilla and I didn't farm for the mounts (go figure, I'm the only person on the planet that doesn't like it!) but it's not NEW. That means Blizzard threw in a few new mechanics, new loot, and spruced the place up. But nothing is new and exciting!
An entire patch and all that is released is two old instances changed into 5 mans. I'm not a quitter, I know they better be putting off Firelands because it's going to blow my mind, but throw me a freakin' bone man. Abyssal Maw heroic? Just tell me if more is planned, cause I'm going to be bored out of my mind.
(by the way, yes, I do stuff other than WoW. "oh who gives if you're bored, go outside and get some fresh air." isn't going to phase me. I do, believe me.)